Educate Iraqi Children

Through supporting education for the next generation of Iraqis, SWIC is helping communities on the Nineveh Plains and Baghdad not just survive, but thrive. However, we face significant challenges that can only be solved with love and support from those of us outside the conflict area.

Stand With Iraqi Christians’ mission is founded on two essential Christian fundamentals: presence and listening.

When Father Chris heard about St. Efram’s school up near Qaraqosh, in northern Iraq, needing assistance, he went into action. First, a well was dug near the school. Then the equipment was purchased for the office so the school could resume operations. Now elementary students are able to learn in a safe environment. A mission team was able to visit the school in 2018 and see the children and teachers in the restored environment. One Iraqi said “Children are the hope of the world.”

Support for Interfaith Elementary School Education in Baghdad

In 2011 Fr. Faiz Jerjees founded St. George’s School of the Redeemer (SOTR) kindergarten as the only interfaith, interdenominational, multi-ethnic and non-sectarian school of its kind in Baghdad. It became so popular with both Christian and Muslim students and parents that in 2014 they implored Faiz to expand SOTR through grade 6. They simply didn’t want their kids going anywhere else.


St. George’s community agreed and construction of a primary school building began in 2016. SWIC agreed to help fund desks, computers, and other necessities for the school. However, in 2017 the funding had stalled. The 1st floor for grades 1 and 2 would be unfinished and unable to open for the 2017 school year beginning in September without significant help. So SWIC mobilized and raised the $50,000 necessary to complete the 1st floor. The school opened on schedule. Today, the second floor for grades 3  and 4 is also open, and SWIC continues be in relationship both with St. George’s Anglican Church in Baghdad, and with the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf.

Yes, I want to help educate an Iraqi child!